
  • Recognition - Frequently Asked Questions

    *Oct. 19: Important Update Regarding Recognition: The survey link option to submit your description/patient count will no longer be used. Please select the worksheet that best corresponds to your site of care on the IHI’s website. You will complete the form and submit it to If you are submitting counts of older adults reached, you can use the bottom of the description form for your submission. If your health system has more than one site of care, there is a spreadsheet that may be submitted for your convenience.*

    Many participants have had to shift their course to address the ever-evolving pandemic. We received questions asking, how does this affect my age-friendly recognition? What if we can't submit a monthly patient count right now?

    Do not worry! You can submit your monthly patient count when you have the capacity – there is no end deadline. The timeline we provide is arbitrary and used as a guide, but if you don’t have capacity then you can resume once you do. Once you reach a point where you’ve submitted three months’ worth of patient count, then you will receive Level 2 recognition by the IHI…this could be within the next three months or it could be within the next six, nine, ten, etc. months. Whatever works best with your timeline!

    Additional frequently asked questions related to recognition are available here